Different Types Of Hair Removals

Laser hair removal is one of the many treatments that people have performed for long term reduction of body hair. It is a rather expensive procedure and there are some other options such as professional waxing, chemical depilatories or electrolysis. However this method has replaced many of the alternatives because it is fairly painless with few side effects.

Laser Hair Removal

This method removes hair from the legs or the face or any other places you don't want to have unsightly hair growth. A spa can use this type of hair removal with a laser type machine which sends out wave lengths of light that is very intense and also considered to be high tech. This same spa can also provide Botox in most cases. This will generally take 3-5 scheduled treatments to remove about 80 percent of the hair you want removed. A person gets laser hair removal for cosmetic reasons. You can consider leg hair or other hair on other body places to be gone for good as this process is permanent.

Along with various types of waxing to remove unwanted hair a person can also get Botox which is painless with few side effects that are very short lived perhaps just slight bruising which results from the needles used not the Botox administered at your spa. There is no recovery period required. It is used to eliminate crow's feet also. So if you go for a waxing inquire about botox treatments also. Some of the waxing types are the bikini wax, an eyebrow wax and the Brazilian wax which is performed as a four step process. When you have a professional waxing every 4 weeks your hair will grow back finer, softer and be less painful to remove at the next treatment.

Chemical Depilatories

Unlike laser hair removal chemical depilatories use chemicals to actually weaken the hair allowing it to be scraped off easily. The chemicals may cause a reaction on the skin. This process is generally used on only the legs and arms and is not recommended for facial hair removal. It is fast and easy to use. However the results are short lived as the hair re-grows quickly.

Professional Electrolysis

Along with your professional electrolysis process for hair removal you can also schedule a professional botox to make yourself look younger and remove your unwanted hair too. This is the process of electrical epilation which is permanent removal from the body. A metal probe about the same size as the hair is slipped into the hair follicle which does not puncture the skin at all if performed properly. The probe gets electricity into the place where the hair grows through the follicle and this will destroy the ability to regenerate hairs because of the localized damage to the growth area. This is not as popular since the introduction of laser removal.

Joshua Adekane is a passionate health blogger in the South Florida area.To access his beneficial resources, click here laser hair removal in Miami

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